Resource details

Format: gtfs-rt

Flux GTFS RT du réseau Aléop Pays de la Loire : Alertes

This resource file is part of the dataset Réseaux interurbains Aléop - Pays de la Loire.

Download availability

Learn more We test this resource download availability every hour by making an HTTP HEAD request with a timeout of 5 seconds. If we detect a downtime, we perform subsequent tests every 10 minutes, until the resource is back online.

For SIRI and SIRI Lite feeds, we perform a GET request: a 401 or 405 status code is considered successful.

Validation details

3 errors

Validation carried out using the current GTFS file and the GTFS-RT the 2024-05-18 at 09:03 Europe/Paris using the MobilityData GTFS-RT validator.


Alert does not have an informed_entity E032 3 errors

All alerts must have at least one informed_entity.

Sample errors
  • alert ID RTA:18924389 does not have an informed_entity - alerts must have at least one informed_entity
  • alert ID RTA:19479807 does not have an informed_entity - alerts must have at least one informed_entity
  • alert ID RTA:20163797 does not have an informed_entity - alerts must have at least one informed_entity
Validate this GTFS-RT now

Previous validations

Here is a recap of all the error types encountered over the last 30 days.

Error ID Description Errors count Number of occurences
E032 All alerts must have at least one informed_entity. 59 19 times (100 % of validations)
E034 All agency_ids provided in the GTFS-rt alert.informed_entity.agency_id should also exist in GTFS agency.txt 2 2 times (11 % of validations)

GTFS-RT feed content


Entities present in this feed at 2024-05-18 at 22:36 Europe/Paris.

service_alerts (38) trip_updates (0) vehicle_positions (0)

Entities seen in the last 7 days.


Service alerts

Here is a display of service alerts contained in this feed at 2024-05-18 at 22:36 Europe/Paris.

Stop moved

Between 2023-07-24 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-08-31 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Stop moved

Between 2023-09-04 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-06-28 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Stop moved

Between 2024-01-08 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2025-03-02 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Modified service

Modified service

Stop moved

Between 2024-01-08 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-07-06 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Significant delays

Between 2024-01-22 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-05-31 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Modified service

Between 2024-02-07 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-07-05 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Stop moved

Between 2024-02-19 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-05-31 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Stop moved

Between 2024-03-11 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-08-31 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Stop moved

Between 2024-03-11 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-12-01 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Modified service

Between 2024-03-05 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2025-02-28 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Modified service

Between 2024-03-18 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-07-06 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Angles/LES FORGES reporté à l'arrêt Angles/ CAMPING MONTCALM - Travaux Stop moved

Between 2024-03-26 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-05-31 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

See details

Modified service

Between 2024-04-02 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-07-26 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Unknown effect

Between 2024-04-02 at 13:22 Europe/Paris and 2024-06-02 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Stop moved

Between 2024-04-22 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-05-19 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Stop moved

Between 2024-04-15 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-10-15 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Stop moved

Between 2024-05-13 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-10-31 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Modified service

Between 2024-02-05 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-05-30 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Modified service

Between 2024-02-05 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-05-30 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Stop moved

Between 2024-01-08 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-05-30 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Modified service

Between 2024-05-13 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-12-31 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Modified service

Between 2024-05-18 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-05-20 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Stop moved

Modified service

Between 2023-11-20 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-07-07 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Stop moved

Between 2024-03-25 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-09-01 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Modified service

Between 2024-03-26 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-05-31 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Modified service

Between 2024-04-15 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-07-07 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Stop moved

Stop moved

Between 2024-05-18 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-05-20 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Modified service

Stop moved

Between 2024-05-18 at 08:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-05-19 at 19:00 Europe/Paris

Stop moved

Modified service

Modified service

Between 2024-05-17 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-05-24 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Stop moved

Significant delays

Between 2024-05-18 at 00:00 Europe/Paris and 2024-05-18 at 23:59 Europe/Paris

Decoded GTFS-RT feed

See full payload

Here is the decoded GTFS-RT feed Protobuf at 2024-05-18 at 22:36 Europe/Paris. You can look at the GTFS-RT documentation.

{ "entity": [ { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1725141540", "start": "1690149600" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "description_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "CROSSARDIERE : Situé Quai Béatrix de Gâvre à compter du 20/09/2023 jusqu’au 31/08/2024.\r\n\r\nPossibilité de Prolongation" } ] }, "effect": "STOP_MOVED", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Laval/HALTE ROUTIERE CENTRE et QUAI ANDRE PINCON reportés à l'arret CROSSARDIERE - Travaux" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "109E", "stop_id": "53LAVAhalt" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:17535306" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1719611940", "start": "1693778400" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "description_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Le départ 13h10 du Lundi au Samedi se fera à 13h16 Place Verdon à Saint-Philbert de Bouaine.\r\nL’arrivée 13h19 du Lundi au Samedi se fera à 13h13 Place Verdon à Saint-Philbert de Bouaine.\r\nCorrespondances assurées avec ROCHESERVIERE pour ces horaires par la ligne 580 (ST PHILBERT DE BOUAINE – LA ROCHE SUR YON)." } ] }, "effect": "STOP_MOVED", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Modification du terminus Rocheservière/RUE DE BRETAGNE" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "stop_id": "85RCHEbret" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:18269087" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1740956340", "start": "1704668400" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "effect": "STOP_MOVED", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Angers/CHALOUERE déplacé Av. Jean Joxé - Travaux" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "stop_id": "49ANGEchalA" } ], "severity_level": "INFO" }, "id": "RTA:18962207" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1716242340", "start": "1716156000" } ], "cause": "HOLIDAY", "effect": "MODIFIED_SERVICE", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Lundi c'est la Pentecôte : votre ligne circule comme un dimanche, pensez-y !" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "agency_id": "ALEOP_53" }, { "agency_id": "ALEOP_85" }, { "agency_id": "ALEOP_44" }, { "agency_id": "ALEOP_49" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20019216" }, { "alert": { "cause": "OTHER_CAUSE", "description_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Tous les horaires de ce trajet jusqu’à Nantes seront retardés de 10 minutes.\r\nLes nouveaux horaires de circulation seront consultables prochainement dans la rubrique \"horaires\" du site Aléop" } ] }, "effect": "MODIFIED_SERVICE", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Départ 10h51 Casson/ CHÂTEAU D'EAU > Nantes/GARE SNCF se fera à 11h01" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "300" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:18707997" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1720303140", "start": "1704668400" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "effect": "STOP_MOVED", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Laval/CROSSARDIERE transféré à Laval/BRITAIS sur le départ de 17h38" } ] }, "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:18924389" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1717192740", "start": "1705878000" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "description_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Merci d'anticiper vos départs afin d'assurer au mieux les correspondances." } ] }, "effect": "SIGNIFICANT_DELAYS", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Retards de 5 à 10 minutes à prévoir - Sens Saumur > La Flèche > Le Mans - Travaux" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "26" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:19049026" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1720216740", "start": "1707260400" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "effect": "MODIFIED_SERVICE", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Modifications des horaires - Travaux RD952 sous déviation" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "404" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:19262399" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1717192740", "start": "1708297200" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "effect": "STOP_MOVED", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Coron/SAINT-LOUIS arrêt reporté au rond-point D960 devant le garage Peugeot - Travaux" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "stop_id": "49COROegli" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:19383688" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1725141540", "start": "1710111600" } ], "cause": "OTHER_CAUSE", "effect": "STOP_MOVED", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Pré-en-pail/EGLISE définitivement reporté au nouvel aménagement de l'arrêt Pré-en-Pail/MAIRIE" } ] }, "severity_level": "INFO" }, "id": "RTA:19479807" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1733093940", "start": "1710111600" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "effect": "STOP_MOVED", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Faveray-Mâchelles/MACHELLES reporté salle des sports de Mâchelles - Travaux" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "stop_id": "49MACHmach" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:19497498" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1740783540", "start": "1709593200" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "description_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Arrêt transféré aux extrémités nord et sud de la ville sur la D938." } ] }, "effect": "MODIFIED_SERVICE", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Baugé-en-Anjou (Baugé)/CENTRE reporté aux arrêts provisoires Baugé-en-Anjou (Baugé)/CENTRE TRAVAUX NORD et Baugé-en-Anjou (Baugé)/CENTRE TRAVAUX SUD" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "26" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:19530982" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1720303140", "start": "1710716400" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "description_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Vue/LA FOSSE DES PRES ET ROUTE DE PAIMBOEUF non desservis\r\nVue/MAIRIE reporté à l’arrêt situé au rond-point de la Route de Nantes.\r\nRouans/PLACE DE L'EGLISE sera situé face à l’Eglise.\r\n\r\nDes retards sont à prévoir à partir de Vue dans le sens vers Nantes et à partir de Rouans dans le sens Paimboeuf/St Brévin." } ] }, "effect": "MODIFIED_SERVICE", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Vue/LA FOSSE DES PRES, ROUTE DE PAIMBOEUF,MAIRIE et Rouans/PLACE DE L'EGLISE - Modification de desserte - Travaux" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "301", "stop_id": "44VUE1mair" }, { "route_id": "301", "stop_id": "44ROUAegli" }, { "route_id": "301", "stop_id": "44VUE1pres" }, { "route_id": "301", "stop_id": "44VUE1paim" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:19667442" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1717192740", "start": "1711407600" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "effect": "STOP_MOVED", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "en", "text": "Angles/LES FORGES reporté à l'arrêt Angles/ CAMPING MONTCALM - Travaux" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "555", "stop_id": "85ANGLforg" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING", "url": { "translation": [ { "language": "en", "text": "" } ] } }, "id": "RTA:19729067" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1722031140", "start": "1712008800" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "effect": "MODIFIED_SERVICE", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Pannecé/EGLISE reporté à 500m en face de l'arrêt scolaire rue des Varennes - Travaux" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "360", "stop_id": "44PANNegli" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:19776057" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1717365540", "start": "1712056920" } ], "cause": "OTHER_CAUSE", "description_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Vous vous rendez aux épreuves d'examens, SNCF TER se mobilise pour vous transporter dans les meilleurs délais. Jusqu'au 11 juillet, SNCF s'engage à informer le rectorat de toutes perturbations ayant des conséquences sur votre heure d'arrivée, en région Pays de La Loire. Présentez-vous à un agent SNCF ou appelez Contact TER au 0 800 210 800.L'accès à la salle d'examen restant soumis à l'approbation du rectorat." } ] }, "effect": "UNKNOWN_EFFECT", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Alerte Examens" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "11" }, { "route_id": "22" }, { "route_id": "23" }, { "route_id": "01b" }, { "route_id": "01" }, { "route_id": "02" }, { "route_id": "14" }, { "route_id": "25" }, { "route_id": "05" }, { "route_id": "06" }, { "route_id": "28" }, { "route_id": "19" }, { "route_id": "08" }, { "route_id": "09" }, { "route_id": "T1" }, { "route_id": "T2" }, { "route_id": "20" }, { "route_id": "10" }, { "route_id": "21" } ], "severity_level": "INFO" }, "id": "RTA:19802582" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1716155940", "start": "1713736800" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "description_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Les travaux à Rochefort/Loire sont achevés. A partir du lundi 22 avril 2024, les arrêts temporaires \"Rue de la Papinerie\" et \"Cimetière\" seront supprimés. Les arrêts \"Place de l'église\" et \"La Croix de Rollay\" seront réactivés. Les horaires habituels sont rétablis (voir lien ci-joint)." } ] }, "effect": "STOP_MOVED", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Fin des travaux à Rochefort/Loire" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "stop_id": "49ROCHroll" }, { "stop_id": "49ROCHegli" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING", "url": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "" } ] } }, "id": "RTA:19960888" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1729029540", "start": "1713132000" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "description_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "L'arrêt est reporté à l'arrêt Naolib provisoire avenue de Chanzy." } ] }, "effect": "STOP_MOVED", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Départ 19h15 Petit-Mars/LA FURETIERE > Nantes le dimanche, Nantes/SAINT CLEMENT reporté - Piétonnisation de la Rue Maréchal Foch" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "348", "stop_id": "44NANTclemA" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:19872732" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1730415540", "start": "1715551200" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "description_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "La ligne 310 arrêt reporté au Pôle d'Echange Multimodal Croix de Mission.\r\nLa ligne 311 arrêt reporté Rue de la République à l'arrêt prêt de l'aire de covoiturage." } ] }, "effect": "STOP_MOVED", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Héric/PLEIN CIEL non desservi - Travaux" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "stop_id": "44HERIciel" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20030275" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1717106340", "start": "1707087600" } ], "cause": "DEMONSTRATION", "effect": "MODIFIED_SERVICE", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "La Guérinière/RUE DU PRE BROCHET reporté au Rond-Point de l'Europe dans les deux sens - Prolongation des travaux" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "stop_id": "85GUERbroc" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20048395" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1717106340", "start": "1707087600" } ], "cause": "DEMONSTRATION", "effect": "MODIFIED_SERVICE", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "La Guérinière/RUE NATIONALE et RUE DES FRANCS, L'Epine/RUE DES ELOUX et LA CROIX ROUGE non desservis dans les deux sens - Travaux" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "stop_id": "85EPINelou" }, { "stop_id": "85GUERfran" }, { "stop_id": "85GUERnati" }, { "stop_id": "85EPINroug" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20048407" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1717106340", "start": "1704668400" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "description_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Reporté jusqu'à nouvel ordre." } ] }, "effect": "STOP_MOVED", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Arrêt Saint-Florent-le-Veil/FEVRIERE reporté en face du Camping Ecoloire - Travaux" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "stop_id": "49VIEIfevr" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20053375" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1735685940", "start": "1715551200" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "effect": "MODIFIED_SERVICE", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Niort/PLACE ST JEAN et VILLON non desservi - Travaux" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "16", "stop_id": "79NIORjean" }, { "route_id": "16", "stop_id": "79NIORvill" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20128321" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1716242340", "start": "1715983200" } ], "cause": "DEMONSTRATION", "effect": "MODIFIED_SERVICE", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Arrêts Fontenay le Comte/AVENUE MARCEAU et CHAMPS MAROT non desservis - La Biennale" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "16", "stop_id": "85FONTmarc" }, { "route_id": "17", "stop_id": "85FONTmarc" }, { "route_id": "16", "stop_id": "85FONTmaro" }, { "route_id": "17", "stop_id": "85FONTmaro" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20150307" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1716847140", "start": "1716242400" } ], "cause": "DEMONSTRATION", "effect": "STOP_MOVED", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Beaufort-en-Vallée/REPUBLIQUE reporté en haut de la \"Rue des champs de la Ville\" - Fête foraine" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "403", "stop_id": "49BEAUrepuR" }, { "route_id": "415", "stop_id": "49BEAUrepuR" }, { "route_id": "426", "stop_id": "49BEAUrepuR" }, { "route_id": "403", "stop_id": "49BEAUrepu" }, { "route_id": "415", "stop_id": "49BEAUrepu" }, { "route_id": "426", "stop_id": "49BEAUrepu" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20168347" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1720389540", "start": "1700434800" } ], "cause": "UNKNOWN_CAUSE", "description_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Départ de Saint Denis d'Orques à 06h08 au lieu de 06h13." } ] }, "effect": "MODIFIED_SERVICE", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Course 701 - départ avancé à 06h08 - à partir du 20/11/2023" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "207" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20163795" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1725227940", "start": "1711321200" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "effect": "STOP_MOVED", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Sablé-sur-Sarthe/ZA SAINT-LAURENT reporté à l'arrêt ROUTE DE LA FLÉCHE - Travaux" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "203", "stop_id": "72SABLlaur" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20163796" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1717192740", "start": "1711407600" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "description_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "La Flèche/LE LOIR et GAMBETTA- non desservis transférés RHIN ET DANUBE - travaux promenade du Maréchal Foch et boulevard Montréal." } ] }, "effect": "MODIFIED_SERVICE", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "La Flèche/LE LOIR et GAMBETTA- non desservis transférés RHIN ET DANUBE - travaux du 29/03 au 12/05" } ] }, "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20163797" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1720389540", "start": "1713132000" } ], "cause": "OTHER_CAUSE", "description_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Se reporter sur la course 1855." } ] }, "effect": "MODIFIED_SERVICE", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Ligne 218 - fin de circulation course 1859 - à partir du 15 avril 2024" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "218" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20163798" }, { "alert": { "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "effect": "STOP_MOVED", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Arrêts Cizay-la-Madeleine/IGNE et Les Ulmes/LE MOULIN CASSE reportés à Montfort/LA LANDE ELEVEE - Travaux" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "stop_id": "49ULMEcassA" }, { "stop_id": "49MADEigneA" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20173860" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1716242340", "start": "1715983200" } ], "cause": "OTHER_CAUSE", "description_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "En raison du Carnaval, l’arrêt de Parthenay sera déplacé provisoirement Boulevard Edgar Quinet, en face de l’hôtel du commerce (situé de l’autre côté des voies ferrées)." } ] }, "effect": "STOP_MOVED", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Parthenay/GARE SNCF - reporté Boulevard Edgar Quinet - Carnaval" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "07", "stop_id": "79PARTpart" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20183656" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1716674340", "start": "1716242400" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "description_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "En raison de travaux route du cimetière, l'arrêt EGLISE ne sera pas desservi. " } ] }, "effect": "MODIFIED_SERVICE", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "La Quinte/ÉGLISE reporté Place du Perray (école)" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "209" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20184937" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1716138000", "start": "1716012000" } ], "cause": "DEMONSTRATION", "description_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Les arrêts sont reportés à l'ancien arrêt LE CHAMP DE FOIRE situé sur la Place du Champ de Foire au Lion d'Angers." } ] }, "effect": "STOP_MOVED", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Le Lion d'Angers/CHAMP DE FOIRE et PLAISANCE reportés- Course cycliste" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "401", "stop_id": "49LIONfoir" }, { "route_id": "401-B", "stop_id": "49LIONfoir" }, { "route_id": "401", "stop_id": "49GREZplai" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20192221" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1716476400", "start": "1716447600" } ], "cause": "DEMONSTRATION", "effect": "STOP_MOVED", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Teloché/DOCTEUR ALLAIN reporté à CENTRE DE SECOURS - Sondage voie publique" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "217" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20190503" }, { "alert": { "cause": "DEMONSTRATION", "effect": "MODIFIED_SERVICE", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Chaudefonds/PONT ST PIERRE ET CENTRE non desservis - Fête du village" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "stop_id": "49CHAUpier" }, { "stop_id": "49CHAUcent" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20190343" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1716587940", "start": "1715896800" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "description_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Arrêt le plus proche Pontchâteau/CHARLES DE GAULLE" } ] }, "effect": "MODIFIED_SERVICE", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Pontchâteau/COET ROTZ non desservi dans les deux sens - Travaux" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "stop_id": "44PNTCcoet" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20194098" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1730415540", "start": "1716328800" } ], "cause": "CONSTRUCTION", "effect": "STOP_MOVED", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Héric/PLEIN CIEL non desservi reporté au POLE D ECHANGE MULTIMODAL- Travaux rue de l'église" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "311", "stop_id": "44HERIciel" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20191965" }, { "alert": { "active_period": [ { "end": "1716069540", "start": "1715983200" } ], "cause": "TECHNICAL_PROBLEM", "effect": "SIGNIFICANT_DELAYS", "header_text": { "translation": [ { "language": "fr", "text": "Départ 10h50 Noirmoutier >Nantes/GARE SNCF retard 10 mn - Problème technique" } ] }, "informed_entity": [ { "route_id": "13" } ], "severity_level": "WARNING" }, "id": "RTA:20200348" } ], "header": { "gtfs_realtime_version": "1.0", "timestamp": "1716064616" } }